Privacy Policy
Japan Wind Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, "JWD") places the highest priority on the protection of its customers' personal information and endeavors to protect such personal information by managing it according to its Privacy Policy.
JWD also ensures that all officers and employees thoroughly understand this policy.
JWD shall collect and use personal information only within the limits of the necessary scope.
JWD shall comply with laws, regulations, and other norms related to personal information.
JWD endeavors to strictly manage and protect its customers’ personal information.
- The definition of personal information
- Personal information refers to personally identifiable information, such as an individual customer’s name, date of birth, or other such details.
- Purpose of use of personal information
JWD shall handle personal information only for the purposes outlined below and for necessary matters only, and not for purposes outside such scope.
- • When it is necessary in the course of an individual transaction between JWD and the customer
- Provision of information to third parties
JWD does not provide personal information to third parties except when so mandated by laws, etc.
The following cases, however, are exceptions.- • When the prior consent of the customer has been obtained
- • When its provision is requested based on laws, etc.
- • When it is necessary for the protection of human life, wellbeing, or assets, and it is not feasible to obtain the consent of the party concerned
- • When entrusting the handling of personal data, in full or in part, within the necessary scope to achieve the purpose of use
- • When providing personal data in line with the takeover of business due to a merger or other such reason
- Contact point for requests for the disclosure, etc. of personal information
- Any inquiries regarding notification of the purpose of use, or the disclosure, revision, addition or deletion, stoppage of use, erasure, requests for stoppage of provision to third parties, of the personal information owned by JWD, or regarding JWD’s handling of personal information, should be directed to the contact point below.
Japan Wind Development Co., Ltd.
Tel.: +81-3-3519-7250